Tuesday, November 3, 2009

the last lap

this is really the worst time to get twitter, i feel like a total slacker and/or failure. another day with nothing done. damn i really need to whip my shit together but everyday i feel so discouraged and unmotivated and somehow even with the minimal amount of work i'm work, stressed. arg, how i wish.. i picked something else two years ago, anything. then again i know i've already made my choice, and i know making excuses about the past will just get me another unproductive day... i think i might just quit playing victim for the next month and get going. god knows even i'm tired of coming up with stories to justify my lack of discipline. thanks for all the support guys, you know who y'all are ♥

its back to basics with the boyfriend, but why do i feel like this time it's different?


  1. Look at the hole in your shoulder blades bone thing, gosh!

  2. aiyoh you know my upper body is quite bony as compared... to my :x
