Wednesday, September 9, 2009

guess who's back with a brand new track!

sorry lovelies, the internet's just about up today, (like honestly, wtf? i hope they won't charge me for a full month) so no exciting pictures yet, although they're mostly up on facebook. mhm, life has been pretty dull recently (until last monday* but it's mostly back to normal, mundane slacking nonsense) but i'm loving the "holidays"! any time away from innova or back home, is pure bliss. i cannot wait until my As are over, its quite scary actually, instead of thinking like 58days to A levels.. i'm thinking 84 days to FREEDOM! but i have been studying, comrades! somewhat anyways. its funny how i always start with history, much of Southeast Asian studies is done, i'm left with.. oh wow. only* FIVE FRICKING TEXTS for lit and the entire H2 economics syllabus. yeah, and i'm off to kl on friday just for one night. eek, and they say you reap what you sow? so i guess its a UUU UU for prelims. hell.

enough of the boring stuff! i watched probably the worst bring it on today with the bratty sister. honestly, usually it isn't THIS bad, christina millian or whatever her name is, is an awful actor. there is just like an endless supply of stereotypes, horrible cliche dialogue and don't even start on the plot. and it doesn't end there, even the choreography is blergh. on the other hand, watched district 9 for the second time! even with all the gore, i love it! theres more to the movie than just prawns and crazy black cannibalistic guys.. wiki it, you'd be surprised! gtg now, my guilt is kicking in, i slacked the ENTIRE DAY TODAY!!!

btw, this journal of mine will be undergoing some changes.. anyways i think there's probably only a handful of you left reading this inconsistent gobbledigook :B more if i have the time, right now i just miss my friends, y'all know who you are! yes even you innova fools -.- *gasp!* hah

till then xxx

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