Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We Are The People

sometimes i really hate reading the newspaper, i hate knowing, knowing and not being able to do anything about it. i wish i can feign ignorance, ignorance is bliss. lack of knowing will spare me all the frustration, tears, sympathy and anger. so much anger at people, it just really pisses the shit out of me.
today i read the news. 
The Plight of the Swamp Dogs (link:
Over 400 stray dogs were nabbed and dumped onto a mangrove island, to die. no food, no water, no shelter. dogs that tried to swim back onto the mainland were kicked and shooed away, causing them to drown. most of the dogs on the island starved to death, and the ones left alive ate the carcasses. 
how is it that an entire community can be so cruel, so pitiless, so inhumane to do something like that? SHAME ON YOU PULAU KETAM AND ALL YOUR INHABITANTS. EVERYONE OF YOU SHOULD BE LYNCHED IN PUBLIC FOR YOUR DISGUSTING SAVAGE ACT. i really wonder, who are the animals, truly? 
(on the other hand, KUDOS to Sabrina Yeap and her Furry Friends Animal Farm for her efforts on helping the dogs, and for shedding much needed light on these dog's plight. )
i know it is easier said than done to control stray dogs in a small community where they're popping up like mushrooms after rain, but in this case, even shooting the dogs would have been the more human things to do. it just irks me to the core, i am indulging in very violent and aggressive thoughts. 
but i shall focus on how to help, and so should you. 

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